Branch of university or college employees responsible for the maintenance and supervision of the institution.
Examples for "university administration"
Examples for "university administration"
1Counter to the university administration's expectations, though, the plinth continued to be a touchstone.
2A doubt entered Grigori's mind, that his colleagues, or the university administration, could be quite so generous.
3The panel strongly criticised the actions of the CRU scientists towards such requests, and the broader university administration.
4What appears to be maneuvers that should embarrass a university administration only serve to entrench it even more.
5This time around, the university administration has complained that deadlines for booking venues have been missed and fees remain unpaid.
1The only difference is the college administration will not actually sign the form.
2No cooperation from a school district or college administration is required.
3Students union officers say they decided to take the college administration at its word.
4So maybe it was the college administration that killed Aaron.
5Got a call from the college administration that there was a broken lock in the basement.
1This covers the broad field of teaching from elementary school up to college, researchers and academic administration.
2Her career in academic administration should have taught her something about how large organisations operate and how power is brokered.
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Translations for academic administration